
3rd International Virtual Conference on Materials Science & Engineering

April 25-26, 2025 | Virtual Meeting

Theme: Recent Research, Application & Innovation in Materials Science & Engineering

Materials Science Virtual Meeting 2025 will help you in connecting, sharing and uniting your ideas with peers from all over the world related to Materials Science & Engineering. It also aims to foster and conduct collaborative interdisciplinary research in Materials Science & Engineering. It is a dedicated platform to create a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods which definitely will enhance your perspective for Materials Science. Materials Science Meeting 2025 also aims to demonstrate technological application experiences and providing opportunities for scientists from various organizations, universities, institutes, laboratories, associations, societies, and industrialists to discuss their deeper insights, views by discussing and information-sharing through this conference. This event will take place with phenomenal talks planned for the Keynote session, Oral session, Poster Presentation and networking. It aims in accelerating the scientific discoveries in the field of Materials Science & Engineering by exchange in information on their latest research progress.

Research Wave International is pleased and delighted to welcome you all at “3rd International Virtual Conference on Materials Science and Engineering” which is going to be held during April 25-26, 2025. Materials Science Virtual Meeting will help you in connecting, sharing and uniting your ideas with peers from all over the world related to Materials Science & Engineering. It also aims to foster and conduct collaborative interdisciplinary research in Materials Science & Engineering. It is a dedicated platform to create a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods which definitely will enhance your perspective for Materials Science. Materials Science Virtual Meeting 2025 also aims to demonstrate technological application experiences and providing opportunities for scientists from various organizations, universities, institutes, laboratories, associations, societies, and industrialists to discuss their deeper insights, views by discussing and information-sharing through this conference. This event will take place with phenomenal talks planned for the Keynote session, Oral session, Poster Presentation and networking. It aims in accelerating the scientific discoveries in the field of Materials Science & Engineering by exchange in information on their latest research progress.

Target Audiences: Professors, Scientists, Young Researchers, Students, Directors, Vice President of Engineering and materials science colleges/organizations, Engineering Industry experts, Material science Engineers, Members of different material science associations and  research fellows of materials Science.

  • The Panel session of Materials Science Virtual Meeting 2025 include keynote presentations, plenary speaker talks, Poster Session, Video Presentation session and Young Research Forum (YRF).
  • Speakers can participate as an Oral, Poster, and Video presentation as per their convenience
  • Students and Young Researchers can participate under the Young Research Forum (YRF).
  • The duration of the presentation will be 25-30 minutes; 05-10 minutes will be given for Q/A session after each presentation.
  • The presentation format will be PPT or PDF file format.
  • First deadline of abstract submission: February 01, 2025.
  • The early bird registration deadline: February 02, 2025.

For Speakers

  • We request all speakers to please join the conference 10-15 minutes
    early to avoid last minute issues.
  • You can post/write your questions for the presenter in the live chat box
    during the presentation and our host/moderator will read out the
    question after every presentation.
  • If speakers want their presentation to be recorded, for recording of the
    presentation, speakers need to intimate conference manager before 2
    days of the conference.
  • When you join the conference, kindly mute yourself, if you have any
    queries or you face any technical difficulties, you can chat live anytime
    with our technical team/host during the conference.

For Poster Presentation

  • The time duration for poster presentation will be 10-15 minutes.
  • The A4 size of poster recommended for the poster presentation in the
    Virtual Conference.
  • Please join the conference 10-15 minutes early to avoid last minute
  • Poster awards will be announced during the end session/after the
    conference as per the Poster Judges convenience
  • Kindly post/write your questions for the poster presenter in the live chat
    box during the presentation.
  • Presentation format: .ppt .doc. & .pdf

Basic Presentation Requirements

  • Number of slides should be minimum and presentation time should be
    strictly followed.
  • Please stop presentation when signal given by the Chair/Co-Chair to do
  • Presentation format: .ppt .doc. & .pdf
  • Please join the conference 5-10 minutes early to avoid last minute
  • Kindly post/write your questions for the presenter in the live chat box
    during the presentation.

Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering.

Nuclear Engineering.

Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering.

Functional Materials and Devices.

Advanced Structural Materials.

Multiscale Materials Modelling.

Materials Science and Engineering

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Materials

Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Science

Polymer Science and Technology

Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability

Catalytic Materials & Green Chemistry

Graphene and 2D Materials

Advanced Energy Materials

Optoelectronics, Photonics and Magnetic materials

Physics and Chemistry of Materials

Metallurgy, Corrosion and Mining

Surface Science and Engineering

Emerging Smart Materials

Thin films, Corrosion and degradation of materials

Advances in Instrumentation Technology

Mechanics, Characterization Techniques and Equipment

Organic, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry

Catalysis and Chemical Reactions

Biological & Chemical Sciences

Chemo-informatics & Computational Chemistry

Nanocatalysis & Nano chemistry

Industrial Chemistry & Applied Chemistry

Our Conferences will allow you to exhibit the products and services from commercial and non-commercial organisations like Drug manufacturers, Clinical Trial Sites, Management Consultants, Chemists, Pharmacists, Business delegates and Equipment Manufacturers.

Exhibitor benefits:

  • One exhibit booth (Size-3X3 sqm).
  • 1-page publication of the exhibitor profile in the souvenir.
  • Promotion through the conference website.
  • A promotional video on company products during the conference (Post session and Breaks).
  • One complimentary scientific program registration.
  • Logo recognition in the scientific program, Conference banner, and flyer.
  • One A4 flyer inserts in the conference kit.
  • An opportunity to sponsor 1 Poster Presentation Award.
  • Post-conference -submission of the mailing list.

Sponsorship Packages:

  • An opportunity to sponsor 10 Poster Presentation Awards.
  • Three corporate sponsored workshop slots (audio-visual included).
  • Two complimentary exhibit booths with priority to purchase exhibition space and choose booth location (Booth size-3X3 sqm).
  • Four complimentary registrations.
  • Logo recognition on congress website front page with the link, logo recognition on congress sponsorship page and logo recognition on Scientific Meditech homepage.
  • One A4 color advertisement in the congress program or book of abstracts (excluding cover pages).
  • Three inserts provided by the sponsor in the congress delegate bags.
  • An exclusive online Promotion on all our Social Networking Sites.
  • 20% Waiver on Sponsorship for any of our next year conferences.

Some other sponsorship packages are.

  • Elite Sponsor
  • Gold Sponsor
  • Silver Sponsor
  • Additional Sponsorship Packages

For more details, please email to contact@researchwaveinternational.com


Go to the corresponding conference and click the abstract submission URL and submit abstract to the respective conference by filling all the details through online or you may submit through email mentioned on the website.


You need to go to the respective conference page and redirect to registration page, which can be found below the prices. This is for both speakers and delegates’ categories. Select the respective category and proceed further to confirm your participation.


Once the payment has been received we will email you a registration acknowledgement. However we make every effort to do this as early as possible, so please bear with us, your patience is highly appreciated, If any assistance required, please send mail to finance@researchwaveinternational.com 


For the Invitation letter you can directly contact the respective conference secretary through an email at contact@researchwaveinternational.com


Yes, all delegates and speakers are able to get certificates at conference registration desk and are available anytime during the conference.


Contact the respective conference secretary through email or you may directly contact at finance@researchwaveinternational.com

International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, November 18-19, 2023

Past Conference Report: Research Wave International provides an opportunity for leading scientists, researchers, doctors, medical practitioners, nurses, academicians and various industry professionals from around the world to have scientific discussion on the latest advancements and research work in the field of science, technology and health. Research Wave International organizes the conferences in different fields like Medical, Health Science, Life Science, Pharma, Engineering and Latest Technology. Research Wave International successfully hosted the International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, during November 18-19, 2024 | Virtual Conference. The conference focused on the theme “Optimizing the Demand of Material Science with the Help of Recent Technologies & Engineering”. The conference was successful in gathering eminent speakers from various reputed organizations and their paramount talks enlightened the gathering. The conference was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 35 countries, who have driven this event into the path of success. Research Wave International expresses its gratitude to the Conference Chairperson Dr. Avzalshoev Zafar , Saitama University, Japan  & Dr. Serhii Bobyr, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden for the support and coordination during the sessions. Research Wave International would like to convey a warm gratitude and thanks to below Keynote & Plenary Speakers at Materials Science Meeting 2023, November 18-19, 2023
Dr. Avzalshoev Zafar, Saitama University, Japan
Dr. Christos I. Tapeinos, University of Patras, Greece
Dr. Serhii Bobyr, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Dr. Yoshitake Nishi,Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan
Dr. Helmut Takahiro Uchida ,Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan
Dr. Jiachen Zhao , Southwest University of Science and Technology, China
Dr. Shruti Singh, University of Denver,  USA
Dr. Ayane Ibii,  Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan
Dr. Muhammad Faizan, Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Dr. Abdus Sobhan, South Dakota State University, United States
Dr. Cansu Demir,  Olive Research Institute, Türkiye
Dr. Kinga Biedrzycka, Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering,  Poland
Dr. Li Shang, North Dakota State University, United States
Dr. Xian Xiao, Southeast University, China
Dr. Pokkunuri Guru Raju, Indian institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India
Dr. Seongwoo Woo,  Ethiopian Technical University, Ethiopia
Dr. Lial Alzabin, Information Technology Department, Al-Zahra College for Women, Oman
Dr. Ashenafi Mehari, The University of Dodoma, Dodoma, Tanzania
Dr. Teshome Lindi, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia
Dr. Malihe Sabzekar, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain
Dr. Manuel Hidalgo,  University, Av. América , Peru
Dr. Suhas Vyas, Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, India
Dr. Suranjana V. Mayani, Marwadi University, India
Dr. Ekta Yadav, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore, India
Dr. Samiullah Khan , Comsat  University Islamabad, Pakistan
Dr. Xin Huang,  Zhengzhou University, China and many more…

2nd International Virtual Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, April 29-30, 2024

Past Conference Report: Research Wave International successfully hosted the 2nd International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, during April 29-30, 2024 | Virtual Conference. The conference focused on the theme “Optimizing the Demand of Material Science with the Help of Recent Technologies & Engineering”. Research Wave International expresses its gratitude to the Conference Chairperson Dr. Brian Cantor, University of Oxford, UK & Dr. Suranjana V. Mayani, Marwadi University, India for the support and coordination during the sessions. Research Wave International would like to convey a warm gratitude and thanks to below Keynote & Plenary Speakers at Materials Science Virtual Meeting 2024, April 29-30, 2024
Dr. Brian Cantor, University of Oxford , UK
Dr. Suranjana V. Mayani, Marwadi University, India
Dr. David Alberto Morales-Ortega, University of Querétaro, Maxico
Dr. Seiko Jose , Mahatma Gandhi University,  India
Dr. Evelina Domashevskaya, Voronezh State University, Russia
Dr. Vera Frolova,  Voronezh State University, Russia
Dr. Abdeen Mustafa Omer,  Energy Research Institute (ERI), Nottingham, United Kingdom
Dr. Nusrat Nabila Chowdhury, Xavier University of Louisiana , United States of America
Dr.  Zaid Derea Abdulameer, Central South University, Changsha, China
Dr. Prathviraj Sharma, University College of Engineering Tindivanam , India
Dr. Najwa Al Bouzieh,  United Arab Emirates University
Dr. Reda Abdel-Hameed, Al-Azhar University, Egypt
Dr. Suranjana V. Mayani, Marwadi University, Gujarat, India
Dr. Ekta Yadav, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indaur India
Dr. Samiullah Khan , Comsat  University Islamabad , Pakistan
Dr. Manuel Hidalgo,  University, Av. América , Peru
Dr. Suhas Vyas, Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, India
Dr. Suranjana V. Mayani, Marwadi University, India
Dr. Ekta Yadav, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indaur India
Dr. Samiullah Khan , Comsat  University Islamabad, Pakistan and many more…
With a great response and feedback received from participants and supporters at Materials Science Virtual Meeting 2024, April 29-30, 2024.  we are delighted and proud to announce our next edition 3rd International Virtual Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, April 25-26, 2025 | Online Meeting
We hope your support and presentation at 3rd International Virtual Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, April 25-26, 2025 | Online Meeting


David Alberto Morales-Ortega

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro ,Maxico

Dr. Ahmad Umar

Najran University, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Arpita Roy

Sharda University, India

Dr. Avzalshoev Zafar

Saitama University . Japan

Dr. Feng Wu

Kunming University of Science and Technology, China

Dr. Kinga Biedrzycka

Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Dr. Larisa Khomutinnikova

ITMO University, Russia

Dr. Malihe Sabzekar

University Complutense of Madrid, Spain

Dr. Mohsen Mhadhbi

National Institute of Research and Physicochemical Analysis, Tunisia

Dr. Nusrat Nabila Chowdhury

Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana

Dr. Sabeur Bendehiba

University Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Algeria

Dr. Seongwoo  Woo

Ethiopian Technical University, Ethiopia

Dr. Suman Maity

Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College (Autonomous,India.

Dr. Vera Frolova

Voronezh State University,India

Dr. Wei Chen

University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Dr. Xian Xiao .

Southeast University,China

Dr.Abdeen Omer

University of Nottingham.

Dr.Seiko Jose

1 School of Chemical Sciences, University, Kottayam, Kerala, India

Dr.Song Gu .

Southwest University of Science and Technology

Mr. Samiullah Khan

Comsat University Islamabad , Pakistan.

Prof. Brian Cantor

Department of Materials, University of Oxford; and
Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST), Brunel University

Prof. Evelina Domashevskaya

Voronezh State University,Russia



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